Friday, May 30, 2008

Four Picture Friday: Lil' Farm

Chimpy and I have our routines and our little adventures and we always have some fun. There are days, though, when we are on exactly the same wavelength and everything goes perfectly—the laundry we started the night before is ready to go on the clothesline, lunch puts itself together really easily, the weather cooperates and wouldn't you know it, they're playing a good funk song on the radio. Those are really terrific days and we had one two weeks ago when we went to a farm.

Chimpy on the farm.

This ram (besides being the first animal we saw at the farm) became notorious for being the first subject on which Chimpy corrected me.

"No dirty, Daddy. Sheep dusty."

The farm invites you to bring lettuce and celery (dietarily inert) for the animals. Chimpy carried the greens in her turtle backpack.

Feeding the goose

Goose nibbled

Poultry fun... Chimpy was looking at the scrawnier hen when the heavier one lighted suddenly on the fence. I've never seen anyone look so surprised and excited at the arrival of a chicken.


"It's the eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival"

Ah ha! Goat tending, where Chimpy's talents really shine.


A small snack

Then a satisfying back scratch. I like the look on the goat's face.

It was getting to noon, so we decided to take our lunch. We picnicked under a tree and watched a tractor move some dirt around.

Our last visit was to the cow paddock where we found three enormous heifers. One of them tried to straighten Chimpy's hat for her.

This is how they're wearing it in France

Not bad, Bossy

With all the animals fed, we decided to go so we made a stop in the gift store and came away with a sticker book.

See you next time, animals.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday Moment of Zen: Color Me Chimpy

"Prepare yourself, Boots, for you are about to be colored."

"Just a little more goldenrod..."

"Man, this is tricky."

"Oh! Wait a minute..."

"I'm left handed."

Friday, May 23, 2008

Catch Up Week: Day 5 (also, Four Picture Friday!)

The last bit of catch up business from the last three weeks are some photos of a fun visit from Chimpy's Nanny and Granddad. Chimpy taught her Nanny the fun way to window shop:

And she had to supervise her Granddad:

And, of course, there's the just sitting there and letting the grandparents admire her:

And as busy as the last couple of weeks have been, we were still able to make time for a pony ride:



Catch Up Week: Day 4

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Catch Up Week: Day 3

"You mean I have to share my blog with this guy?"


"I'll do it!"

Catch Up Week: Day 2




The Tell-Tale Part

Monday, May 19, 2008

Catch Up Week: Day 1

Well, last week we all three caught a '24 hour' stomach flu, leading K and I to take some down time and leading Chimpy to say her longest–and saddest–sentence yet, "Me throw-up little potty downstairs, Mama" (no joke). Though things are back in order, my computer is still down. I have ordered a new hard drive and will swap out my old one in a few days, but until then I thought I should do a little catch up on our recent adventures and follow up on the Mother's Day post.

Yes, that's an ultrasound. It's a xxxx, due in late xxxxxxxx. We told Chimpy there is a baby in mama's tummy and asked her what its name is. She said "JoJo." I've got a name picked, but her name has stuck. We don't know what exactly Chimpy thinks of Jojo (real baby or pretend) but she says hello and goodbye to and kisses JoJo. She seems to understand Mama is eating for two and gives K food for JoJo. At our tea party today Chimpy poured a cup for JoJo. We've been pulling Chimpy's smaller clothes and younger toys aside "for JoJo" and she hasn't made any fuss yet.

Mama and Jojo are doing great, they're pictures of health (except for the recent marathon vomiting). Jojo is a real kicker and appears to be growing strong and well, the doctors have moved the due date up three times. I'll attach some ultrasound pics when I get them scanned.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Four Picture Friiiiiiiiii340[tuqerwfjadskl/vm'reoqt

My computer crashed in a big way a few days ago. It's still out of commission, but I was finally able to (luckily) extract all of my data, including this picture:

Happy Mother's Day, everybody!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Four Picture Friday: A Day in the Life

We started our day hanging out with the usual gang:

Then hopped in the car for a busy day:

First, we looked for some goats:

Then considered jumping a fence to go run around on a BMX track. I talked Chimpy out of it:

So instead we explored an old freight train:

After, a quick dip to wash the soot of rail travel off:

Refreshed, we go on hug patrol:

All that and and ice cream cone, a duck pond and a bike ride–we were wiped out. It was time to hop in the car and call it a day. Well, after a quick drive-thru for a coffee and some cookies:

** ** **

What a day!