Thursday, September 10, 2009


First ferry ride under the bridge.

It's not often anymore that I sit myself down to update this blog. Usually, when Chimpy and Jojo are napping and it occurs to me to do an update, I have the choice of either getting on the computer to write and upload pictures or doing any of the chores and preparations that make my time with them awake easier. Given that the result of the latter is a happier family and a saner father, I'm not always motivated to spend much time on here.

That said, I've started thinking of this blog less as an album for the grandparents and more of a journal for Chimpy and Jojo. I have literally thousands of pictures of Chimpy and Jojo but, as they are digital, I doubt they will hold the same magic as the small collection of yellowed Kodak prints that document random moments from my childhood. Hopefully, the many pictures and few stories on lilchimpy will paint a picture for Chimpy and Jojo of their childhood before they were able to remember it.

And with that said, Chimpy and Jojo have been having a lot of firsts lately and they should be recorded for posterity.

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Jojo's Firsts

Jojo reached his walking milestone so quickly and with such determination it was easy to miss the fact that he was passing other milestones left and right. In the span of a few weeks Jojo has started using signs, trying to talk, demanding books, pointing out body parts and concentrating on playing. You'd be seeing videos of all these happenings except for the fact that the other camera finally packed it in. Then again, maybe it's a good thing the camera is out of commission.

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Chimpy's First Memories

Last year around Christmas I wrote how Chimpy had managed to memorize most of Twas the Night Before Christmas after only a few readings. She is developing an amazing memory. Last week, while telling her mother about her day, Chimpy mentioned a new program she saw for the first time on PBS called Dinosaur Train and suddenly launched into the show's theme song from memory.

I'm often impressed by the sponges that are kids' brains but what's been flooring me with Chimpy is that she's been pulling up memories from times before I thought she had formed memories. For example, seeing Two-Tone the cat a block further from his house than we usually do or dropping and breaking a bottle of cod liver oil at the market (both of these things happened when she was around 20 months old). My earliest memories are from when I was between three and four so I have no doubt anything from here on out will probably be imprinted on Chimpy's long term memory.

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First Friends

Partners in Crime

Jojo is getting to be more and more a little kid which is both fun and frustrating for Chimpy. Fun because she has somebody to play fort, roll the ball and sleep party with and frustrating because she has somebody who wants to knock down her fort, make off with her ball and wake up all her stuffed animals. My favorite moments, though, are when they aren't playing but just hanging out. The other day as I cooked dinner Chimpy opened the freezer and removed a bag of frozen peas while Jojo stood, watching patiently. Chimpy closed the freezer, poured two roughly equal portions into two bowls and gave one to her brother. It was very sweet and was one of those moments that gives a glimpse of how they'll be when they are older.

"So who gets the last pea?"

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First Movie

Chimpy went to the theatre with Mama to see Miyazaki's latest film Ponyo on a Cliff by the Sea. I know Chimpy's tastes in movies are dictated largely by what we like and what we let her watch but I don't think it is too presumptuous and pretentious to say Miyazaki is Chimpy's favorite filmmaker. Ponyo has joined Satsuki, Sen, Kiki and Fio as Chimpy's alter-egos.

Chimpy in a lobby by a movie.

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First Word: Chimpy

Chimpy's cousin, Louie, was an early reader. I remember distinctly him reading between the ages of three and four. Chimpy isn't reading yet but I know it can't be far off because a light bulb went on above her head when I asked her to name each of the letters on the back of a parked truck. This was her reaction...


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First Word: Jojo

Most people who see us out and around always marvel at how intensely and quietly Jojo watches what goes on around him. Though those who know us better know that Jojo is anything but quiet–he only seems so relative to his chatterbox sister–there is no denying Jojo is a great thinker. Even so, he surprised us with his first word a little while ago: a very loud, distinct and purposeful "Ball!"

08/26/09: The "Ball" Heard Around the Table

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First (New) Cousin

Let's not forget someone else going through a lot of firsts. Barnaby's first video chat:

Also, Barnaby's first "Dad! You're embarrassing me!"

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Thanks for sticking around. Tomorrow, one of our biggests firsts yet!


Now we are four! said...

Barnaby enjoyed chatting with his cousin Isabel very much! The jury is out on her goony father though. I've got more pictures to put up Meng... I just need to get a free moment. It's tough when you have 22 other kids to take care of.

Meng said...

22 others? I thought Maury Povich told you you weren't the father.