Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Four Picture Friday: Hallowe'en's-a-Comin'

Those of you who know us know we love Hallowe'en. For us it's never too early to be thinking about costumes, here are some of the costume inspirations and ideas we've had so far. I think we've decided what we're doing, but suggestions are welcome.




Annie Oakley


A Buritto

Special bonus Jojo picture!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Friday, August 08, 2008

Friday, August 01, 2008

Four Picture Friday: Chimpy's Vegetable Stand

"May I interest you in some green beans?"

"They're delicious sautéed with shallots."

Welcome to Chimpy's Vegetables! Proudly organic from our humble beginnings as a one raised-box operation, we bring you the greenest in fresh greens.

Our early days.

Ask us about our outdoor dining facilities.

Squash al Fresco

Needs salt.

Remember, only the finest greens have the Chimpy stamp of approval.

If it doesn't say 'Chimpy,' it's just compost.

Next week: a visit with Sis!