Friday, April 30, 2010

Four Picture Friday: Jojo, City Inspector at Large

"Good work, men. Not bad at all."

"You missed a spot."

"Don't forget to cut down this tree!"

"What do you mean, 'micromanaging'?"

"Alright, I'll give these guys some space."

"Just gonna walk away..."

~ five minutes later ~

"I can't help it."

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday Moment of Zen

Summer fruit zen

Friday, April 16, 2010

Four Picture Friday: Easter Vegas Bonus Then and Now

Though we had a great and full visit, I didn't take that many pictures during our Easter trip to Las Vegas because I was hungover had the flu but the few I did take make for a good 'Then and Now.'

Flying to Vegas then (Easter 2007):

Flying to Vegas now:

Chimpy and Cousin Jessica then (Thanksgiving 2006):

Chimpy and Cousin Jessica now:

Jojo and Cousin Jeff then (Thanksgiving 2008):

Jojo and Cousin Jeff now:

Chimpy, Jojo, and Cousin Barnaby then (Summer 2009):

Chimpy, Jojo and Cousin Barnaby now:

(Jojo's working on his baby cousin aversion.)

* * * * *


"Please place your trays in their upright and locked positions. Please note, while Chimpys go in the storage bin above your heads, Jojos go under the seat in front of you. Thank you."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Where is this picture taken? Guess correctly and win an autographed print of it.