Clockwise from top left...
Congratulations to Nicole for getting the most correct answers. They are green beans, yams, bananas and applesauce. I figured the bananas would be difficult as they are surprisingly liquid when mashed, but the green beans proved to be the real curveball in this game. Nicole has decided to bank her 4PF privilege until Chimpy can eat pasta and does that classic kid with a bowl of spaghetti overturned on top of her head thing. Chimpy is a tidy eater, but I think she's up to the challenge. Thanks for playing, everyone.
Mmmm, going clockwise, peas, yams, applesauce, and mashed potatoes? Don't laugh if this is all wrong (especially the mashed potatoes) ~ remember, I don't have babies; therefore, no baby food here!
I'll go with peas, sweet potatoes, apples and cereal.
Mather has not yet had the divine pleasure of solids, so even with a baby, I'm in the dark on this one.
Oh wait, clockwise!... peas, sweet potatoes, cereal and apples.
It looks like... peas, yams, applesauce and since someone already said cereal (although it looks pretty watery MENG) I'll say the chunky water substance from the applesauce. Mmmmmmmmmmm!
Peas, yams, pears and apple sauce?
Hrm, actualy, I want to change my vote to peas, yam, banana and apple sauce. The color reminds me of a banana smoothie.
think I am gonna guess and Xander hasn't started solids yet either so I am in the dark as well. Clockwise I think creamed spinach, creamed carrots, bananas and rice cerel
Okay, Peas, sweet potato/yam, rice cereal and applesauce. clockwiseically speaking of course. Maddox would just point to them all and shout, "No. No. No. No." And then proceed to eat them, ALL.
Avocado, butternut squash, rice cereal & apples.
Papasan, I appreciate you thinking outside the box (and Chimpy has had all those you mentioned), but as you'll see, you scored a measly 1/4.
Jenna, I have seen video of Bug's culinary genius, so if he says 'no,' it must be with good reason. I think he must gave gotten wind of that article in Gourmet about mac and cheese being out and pasta al formaggio being in.
momily and littl'un, I ought to post some recipes as your solids adventures must be starting fairly soon. The poop changes... lord, how it changes.
Well, in my defense, my baby hasn't eaten any solids, much like Momily's baby.
I would love to have some recipes for Xander (littun) since he will definately be eating solids soon. I would ask for more details on the poop thing but maybe leaving that to be seen is the way to go as I don't want to freak myself out too much. Thanks for the game it was great fun.
this looks incredible similar to the food Al feasted on for nine weeks! Had I been quicker at the draw, I probably would've nailed it!
Hope you kids are doing well. Miss you!
-Jodie (& Al)
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