Sunday, May 20, 2007

Four Picture Friday: Toys on the Cheap

Spoon with Eyes!

Newspaper hat!

Tupperware Fulla Beans!


* * * * *




Kelly said...

LOVE the picture with the hot dog. You can just see her thinking "Mmmmmm, hot dog."

Unknown said...

Isabel looks angry at the spoon! "DO NOT WANT!"

But she definitely want that hot dog!

Lisa said...

I was checking all day Friday for the 4 pix but you fooled us! Do you wonder why you buy baby toys?

And, tag, you're it! (read my blog to find out why)

Anonymous said...

The truth is that Isabels mommy used to do the same thing when she was a baby. Kinda scrunch up her face and breath in and out of her nose really fast.Must be in the DNA