Friday, July 06, 2007

Four Picture Friday: This Is How We Roll

Grubby gardeners.

When Mama gets home from work.

Dinner on the rotten deck.

*Shameless Plug*

Did you know Chimpy's papa wrote a book?


Kelly said...

Wow, I had no idea Chimpy's dada was a published author! I'll be sure to buy the book for my little guy when he makes his arrival. Lucky Chimpy - I bet she gets the best bedtime stories!

Jenna said...

Louie is our fav! Rock on kitty! Rock on Chimpy!

Anonymous said...

Is that a hole I see in the next door neighbors wall, or is it just a pipe dream?

Anonymous said...

Thats posh dining Brickies and Plumbers dined out on a pile of bricks or a bag of cement no fancy napkins just The Daily Mirror

jodie.goldberg said...

Our lil "Whoopi" gets loves Louie already! I'm trying to make it her favorite book pre-birth. Hope you both are doing well!