Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Four Picture Friday: Hallowe'en Preparations

"Hey, you complainin' about the late Four Picture Friday? C'mere, I'll rap you with this here hammer."

Yes, we've been busy with a lot of preparations. Besides making a pop-up tombstone (above) there has been Grandad to help...

Wigs to try on...

Giant pumpkins to pressure test...

And candy to count. There are yet a few more things to take care of so Kid Kaboom and I better take off. We hope your Hallowe'en is spooky and fun.

1 comment:

Papasan said...

We're still really excited about coming over tonight, but the bad news is we'll have to be leaving Mather at home. She's gotten sick and we don't want to infect Isabel and any other youngsters at the party. :(. We did still make her dress up today...