Friday, January 18, 2008

Four Picture Friday: Daddy's New Camera

So most of you probably don't know this, and to those of you who enjoy my photography, I apologize, but I spent quite a lot of time touching up the pictures I post on this blog. The majority of what you have seen has been tweaked and adjusted in PhotoShop.

Well, Santa came through and got Meng a new camera for Christmas. It's a real humdinger and I'm looking forward to posting some unedited pics for once.

Before I mothball the old Powershot, I thought I'd do an experiment. I went out with my old and new cameras and took double pictures so you could see them side-by-side. Here are the results:

Old camera:

New camera:

Old camera:

New camera:

Old camera:

New camera:

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the results. There are many more controls on the new camera so there's going to be a learning curve, but I'm getting the hang of it. And I'm not letting the new equipment stop me from crawling into awkward spots for those Lil' Chimpy exclusives.

Here's a picture that makes me very glad I have a new camera.

1 comment:

Now we are four! said...

Great shots! I love my niece Buddy!