Four Picture Friday: Home Improvement Chimpy (with special guest star, Mo Junior!)
As Chimpy has gotten better at handling a hammer, we've kept ourselves busy this last month with a lot of home improvements. The big project is the attic renovation, but the weather was been so nice we've taken many of our chores outside.
At the salvage yard looking for bricks.
We came home with 568 paving bricks at a crazy low price. We'll have a patio this summer.
Finally, the bricks for a small retaining wall.
Chimpy loves riding in trucks. The trip to the dump for some compost and top soil (recycled out of our green bin scraps) was also a big hit. And Chimpy finally got to see where it is I've been telling her garbage trucks go to sleep.
We got a head start on our garden this year and are really looking forward to eating tomatoes off the vine.
Only one attic picture. Our friend Mo Junior came by to help us with some plumbing. Hooray for exposed beams!
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Special Bonus Picture: My uncle Jeff went to Italy and all he brought me was this jester's hat and doll and I love them!
It's crazy, she's actually quite a good help. She knows a few tools by name and has handed me the tape measure, hammer, and screws when they are out of my reach. It's very sweet.
Often, though, she waits patiently for me to get on my stomach when I'm doing something in the narrow corners of the attic, then she pounces on my back for a horsie ride.
Child labor laws... ever heard of 'em?!
It's so cool that Chimpy gets grubby and helps out, in her own "special" way.
Granddad said " Don't touch those bricks til I get there, it,s important that Chimpy learns the trade from an old pro"
It's crazy, she's actually quite a good help. She knows a few tools by name and has handed me the tape measure, hammer, and screws when they are out of my reach. It's very sweet.
Often, though, she waits patiently for me to get on my stomach when I'm doing something in the narrow corners of the attic, then she pounces on my back for a horsie ride.
I can't believe you've started your garden already ~ it's snowing here right now and we're supposed to get 5 cm today!
I miss Chimpy!!! More blog fun please.
I thought Chimpy was going to learn a proper job and become a Plumber-Electrician and then buy a house by the sea
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