This ram (besides being the first animal we saw at the farm) became notorious for being the first subject on which Chimpy corrected me.

The farm invites you to bring lettuce and celery (dietarily inert) for the animals. Chimpy carried the greens in her turtle backpack.

Poultry fun... Chimpy was looking at the scrawnier hen when the heavier one lighted suddenly on the fence. I've never seen anyone look so surprised and excited at the arrival of a chicken.

Risin' up to the challenge of our rival"
Ah ha! Goat tending, where Chimpy's talents really shine.

It was getting to noon, so we decided to take our lunch. We picnicked under a tree and watched a tractor move some dirt around.

Our last visit was to the cow paddock where we found three enormous heifers. One of them tried to straighten Chimpy's hat for her.

With all the animals fed, we decided to go so we made a stop in the gift store and came away with a sticker book.

Chimpy is fearless! I love how she interacted with all the different animals - the chicken picture especially. She hasn't made the connection between farm chicken and chicken dinner, has she?
I don't think so, about the chicken. But she did help me de-bone a salmon the other day, so I think she knows fish=fish. That probably won't be a big deal until she watches "Finding Nemo," though.
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