Thursday, September 11, 2008

Four Picture Friday: Kitchen Renovation and Jojo Fun

We're continuing work on our kitchen. Except for the electrical, we've done it all ourselves and it is very satisfying to be in the home stretch. Chimpy continues to be a good help and has even started an apprenticing program.

Chimpy figures out the nuts and bolts of using a wrench

"Piece of cake!"

Mini Mo gets a quick lesson.

"She's got it. I'm going out for a milk."

Our timing couldn't be better. Yesterday Chimpy dropped a jam jar, startling M. who yelped and scared K. who started having contractions. They subsided eventually, giving us enough time to do the trim work around the doors and windows.

Here's the before:

And the 'so far':

And here's a picture taken today of Jojo:

We haven't been keeping Jojo's name a secret, but it hasn't been mentioned yet here. Tune in tomorrow for a "Guess Jojo's Name Quiz." We'll post some clues over the next couple of days. First to guess correctly wins a jet ski!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kitchen renos whilst 9 months pregnant ~ god bless you, K!