Friday, May 08, 2009

Week of Pictures: Day 1

This happens every few months. I have pictures I mean to post, but don't. Then suddenly I have a backlog of photos with diminishing relevance. We have to catch up on a visit to Sis, Easter, Jojo's teeth, kite flying, a trip to the museum and lots of general cuteness. So let's catch up:

Visit with Sis

3.28.09 - We drove down to visit Chimpy's BFF, Sis. It's a long ride for an excited kid, but the novelty of a rental car helped pass the time.

We get there and as usual Chimpy and Sis pick up exactly where they left off. This time, they have a new toy to share. Jojo's face says it all.

Sis: Let's put him on a skateboard!
Chimpy: Let's dress him up first!

Besides brother bugging there was beach hugging:

And breakfast with the BFFs:

All too soon it was time to go.

The trip home was harder than the trip down, but we did find some comfort in a mall in the form of a corn dog and merry-go-round ride.

See you soon, Sis.


Lisa said...

I like the new blog look!

Meng said...

Thanks, Lisa. That's about all the customization I'll do, I think.