Friday, February 26, 2010

Four Picture Friday: The Return to Mocha

After nearly a year's time and with much anticipation, Chimpy finally returned to Mocha. We had last been there with Jojo as a seat-strapped infant and it became obvious he wanted to get his hands into things. Everything. We decided to wait for a time when he could take part in the art before renewing our membership.

An off-hand comment by Mama on her way out the door made us think today could be a Mocha day and so we got ready to go. After a busy morning of getting a pot roast into a crock pot and an exciting drive where we passed a cement truck on the road Jojo conked out just before getting to the art studio so we let him cat nap.

And he woke up to find himself in a wonderland of color where they don't yell at you for getting paint on the floor...

Or tell you how to paint...

Big sisters excepted, of course.

Then it was lunch outside.

For us and the pigeons.

A portrait of the artists as a couple of goombahs.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

oooo the gooombahs are back. smooch!