Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mega Post: Vacation Weekend

Our special friend, Cousin Charlie, came for a visit. We were crazy-happy to meet her and were especially looking forward to spending the weekend with her and her parents. Which we did and which was great. Here are the pictures to prove it.

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Of course they're related, just look at these three goombahs.

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First sight of the ocean!

The hiking trails hugged the shore and in many places ran alongside small cliffs. This caused no small amount of anxiety for mama.

Mama's wishing she had those kid backpack leashes right now.

While picturesque, fences like this did little to soothe mama's fears.

Chimpy on a cliff by the sea.

Chimpy had been throwing rocks at seals when I pointed out that sign to her. Now that she can read she has no excuse for this behavior.

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The next day we went shell hunting and tidepooling.

Jojo discovering mussel shells.

Beachcombing Chimpy.

The salt air was good for the kids, Chimpy grew three inches.

Jojo exploring the beaches.

Chimpy found a hermit crab...

And an abalone shell that looked like a ghost.

Jojo considers the immensity of the ocean.

It pleases him.

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Relaxing on the deck.

Cousin Charlie's cheeks were irresistible.

And Cousin Charlie was a great sport about all the attention. Which is good because we love her!

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