Saturday, November 03, 2007

Four Picture Friday: Hallowe'en!

Captain Dynamite and Kid Kaboom take a break from fighting crime to set up their yard for Hallowe'en.

Kid Kaboom figures the skeletons would be scarier if they moved a little.

So she gives the skeleton a good shake.

Ready and set, we stand admiring our decorations and waiting for the trick or treaters. It doesn't take too long for them to arrive so we take our places next to the candy.

The highlights of the evening were any kid dressed as a dog (of course) and when our friend Max showed up dressed as Max the Bunny. At one point a kid walked up dressed as a Care Bear and Chimpy growled at him. He must have been at least a year older than Chimpy, but he backed off and hugged his mom's leg.

Here's Kid Kaboom giving out candy with the devil.

After 40 minutes, Kid Kaboom decides she has enough. She did so good all night and laid in her crib with wide eyes for about 30 seconds before conking out.

Checking the damage the next morning.


Anonymous said...

thats it another one over great to see the fun we dont get to see the same here but then we get some great guy fawkes fireworks and grandad used to work hard building a big bonfire with all of us had some great times and fun and he still spooks me must be the time they chased us down the road for being late home

jodie.goldberg said...

Love it! Kid Kaboom is just the cutest. Hope you all had a great Halloween!